Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Decision 2012...

I posted a response about praying for the President on a friend's FB page that that I wanted to share and expand on a bit:

My maternal Grandmother kept a daily prayer journal she would use to jot down the things she prayed for during her daily quiet time.  I believe she updated it until not long before her final hospital stay.  When Grandmother Hackett passed away, we found entries in her daily prayer journal for "PC", along with listing out her children & spouses, her grandchildren and "her" pastors (from my parents and my Aunts' churches, who visited and checked on her) and other loved ones.

It took a little bit to figure it out: it wasn't 'Phenix City' (and yes, my Mom's family was living in Columbus during the height of the 'Sin City' era across the river in Phenix City).  We finally figured out that 'PC' was President Clinton. Grandmother prayed daily for him, along with her loved ones.  Grandmother didn't "like" him and hadn't voted for him.  So, she simply used his initials (instead of his name). She didn't let his not being 'her choice stop her from praying. 

We've become so focused on "winning" and what 'side' (left/right) or color (red/blue) we are affiliated with, that many no longer feel respect for the office holder.  When 'our' candidate loses, we immediately start looking ahead to the next election, and hoping the next time 'our' candidate will do better. It's the "wait til next year" attitude we use when our favorite sports team loses or their season ends, without the SuperBowl or World Series ring.  

We shouldn't just pray/wish/hope for our desired outcome, but remember the men/women who have been tasked with leadership roles.  We can disagree, debate, discuss and 'agree to disagree' in ways that don't add to the division.  

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