Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Decision 2012...

I posted a response about praying for the President on a friend's FB page that that I wanted to share and expand on a bit:

My maternal Grandmother kept a daily prayer journal she would use to jot down the things she prayed for during her daily quiet time.  I believe she updated it until not long before her final hospital stay.  When Grandmother Hackett passed away, we found entries in her daily prayer journal for "PC", along with listing out her children & spouses, her grandchildren and "her" pastors (from my parents and my Aunts' churches, who visited and checked on her) and other loved ones.

It took a little bit to figure it out: it wasn't 'Phenix City' (and yes, my Mom's family was living in Columbus during the height of the 'Sin City' era across the river in Phenix City).  We finally figured out that 'PC' was President Clinton. Grandmother prayed daily for him, along with her loved ones.  Grandmother didn't "like" him and hadn't voted for him.  So, she simply used his initials (instead of his name). She didn't let his not being 'her choice stop her from praying. 

We've become so focused on "winning" and what 'side' (left/right) or color (red/blue) we are affiliated with, that many no longer feel respect for the office holder.  When 'our' candidate loses, we immediately start looking ahead to the next election, and hoping the next time 'our' candidate will do better. It's the "wait til next year" attitude we use when our favorite sports team loses or their season ends, without the SuperBowl or World Series ring.  

We shouldn't just pray/wish/hope for our desired outcome, but remember the men/women who have been tasked with leadership roles.  We can disagree, debate, discuss and 'agree to disagree' in ways that don't add to the division.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Careful Outlook

Was heartbreaking a few weeks back to wake up on a bright Friday morning, to see reports of the Aurora, Colorado shooting filter in.  First via social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook  then confirmed on the morning news shows.  My thoughts & reaction were probably similar to most everyone else:  the more I heard, the more heartsick I felt.  A collection of everyday folks doing an everyday activity.

Later that morning, I happened to mentioned to group of CoWorkers that Hubby had plans to attend a matinee showing, as part of a team outing.  One said he's going...aren't you afraid.  I thought a second and said, no.  We can't  stop just going about our business and let fear of the unknown 'bad guy' keep us from living our lives.  Does it mean things will always be ok?  No, we know bad things can happen out of the blue

There's a difference between being carefree, careful and captive.  Carefree is riding down the highway with the convertible top down, careful is putting on the seatbelt.  Captive is not taking the car out of the garage.

Psalms 32:7-8 You are my hiding place; you protect me from distress.
You surround me with shouts of joy from those celebrating deliverance. (Selah)
I will instruct and teach you about how you should live.  I will advise you as I look you in the eye.

I love the phrase "protect me from distress" it doesn't mean the 'distress' is removed or never comes, instead I see it as we have the tools to get through the distress and that where the comfort comes in.  We don't have to live in fear when God will 'look us in the eye'.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tis So Sweet

I love the classic hymns and wanted to share some thoughts that tied into one such song (and one of my favorites):  Tis So sweet to Trust in Jesus.

Through our/my 15+year struggle with endo and infertility, one of the key lessons I was about trust.  I had to re-learn to TRUST that God does understand those moments when I questioned/bargained/argued/cried/yelled...you name it. TRUST that he has equipped us for this journey that we are traveling on and TRUST for the future.

For me...infertility was a type of  loss that shook my foundation, like an earthquake.  I had been blessed in the sense that I had never previously lost trust in the people most important (husband, parents, good friends).  Being in a place where I was asking "why" and "how come??" was uncharted territory for me.  And at the same time, felt guilty for asking why.

There wasn't one 'aha' moment, but as I simply gave myself time to work through this and accept that this was the path, that we've been chosen to walk down...the faith and the hope came back;  the joy came back, the laughter and music and love of life and all the normal ups and downs came back.   Infertility had broken my heart, but it didn't break my spirit.  That's the beauty of grace and faith...the Lord gives us time when we have to step aside to get our bearings..and he's simply standing there with open arms when we turn back to Him. And yes, it is something very 'precious'.

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er; Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end. ~ Louisa M.R. Stead